Moving is for Ballers

9 Sep

I have moved a lot in general, but those moves were either (1) oh hey, my parents are moving and since abandoning me would necessitate intervention by child welfare, I have to go with them; (2) moving to college with barely any belongings; (3) moving away from college in a parent-funded style; or (4) relatively local.

I say this because I have been pricing and shopping a cross-country move and gotdamn if it isn’t the most expensive thing ever. U-Haul would have me pay $2,300 to rent a truck, moving companies ask for $1,500 (and don’t guarantee some of your stuff won’t arrive royally f-ed), and renting a car has this very insane thing called a “one way charge” that makes a cross country car rental about $1200.

I really don’t have a lot of stuff. I have been slowly getting rid of stuff because I feel that it is common sense that the less stuff you have, the easier and cheaper it is to move. But nope. I have a 15×5 storage that is only about half full. I have some stuff in my Dad’s house. Not a huge load.

Anybody know a cheap way to do it? Anybody own a moving company and like me enough to give me like a 70% discount?

Another moving complaint? Living at my Dad’s house for a month and living out of boxes and bags because half my clothes are packed, a quarter are in garbage bags, and another quarter are scattered around my room. The clothing situation is as follows:




(These pics are very haphazardly placed all over this post, and I am not sorry. Blog newbie. I get a pass).









Sigh. Did I mention I also have to find a way to get these two cross-country:






So, any tips on a cheap cross country move for a cat lady with really nice dishes and a department store level of clothes? OR alternatively, anybody with a lot of extra money that they don’t know how to put to good use?

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